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8 days ago

Project Update: HEADS UP: Limited Were Bundles!!

Hey critters!

This update is specifically for my LIMITED bundle backers (so this applies to about 100 of you!)

I'm working on getting your plushies out asap, but in order to do so I have to lock your orders and collect any outstanding balances so I can push things along to my shipping API.

I don't want to surprise anyone with an unexpected charge, so if you owe anything in the the pledge manager, these funds will be collected FRIDAY.

Don't worry if you're not done editing your order or plan to add things later on! I will make sure all orders are unlocked again before the last call/plushies go into production. This is just the only way to send out in-stock plushies early.

Thank you for bearing with me during all these delays! I'll be packing this week so all the limited bundles are ready to go as soon as I have a shipping label to slap on them 🙏💖

(And again, this only applies to LIMITED bundle backers! If that isn't you, feel free to disregard this update.)
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