Firstly, I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone for your support. From the first time you decided to support this project, to every time you've mentioned it to a friend, or to any time you read an update. You’re making the difference, and I want to sincerely thank you!

With that said, I would like to get to know you better! What was your first Krampus experience? Comment below!


For me, the first Krampus experience I recall is from the Universal film Krampus (2015). If I recall correctly, I saw this movie for my birthday and it was such a fun feature that it really stuck with me. I read a lot about Krampus after that. I also followed local groups and found a lot of joy in that kind community. Krampus events are often full of local vendors and charities, so my idea of Krampus has expanded into more of a community ideal and it continues to bring me great joy around the holidays.

Happy Krampusnacht,




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